2023 Session I
Elective Class & Master Class
Session 1
6/12/2023 – 6/16/2023 | 2PM – 5PM
All participants (camp students or festival pass) will have access to guest artist presentations and masterclasses. If you wish to perform in the masterclass, please indicate in the class sign up link.
** Currently enrolled students, please go directly to the link below to select your afternoon classes. Regular camp hours are 9 am to 5 pm, you DO NOT need to purchase a separate festival pass to attend afternoon classes.
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
2:00 - 3:30 - Meet the Guest Artist (Monday) / Masterclasses (Tuesday and Thursday)
3:40 - 4:50 - Category A
2:00 - 3:30 - Chamber group masterclasses
3:40 - 4:50 - Category B
2:30 - Student final concert @Tateuchi Hall (CSMA)
Meet the Guest Artist: Tango Pianist Pablo Estigarribia
Guest artists will present a special talk about their music and what inspires them to find their own unique path.
Selected students will perform solo work in front of an audience and workshop teacher. Students are allowed to sign up for registered or secondary instruments.
Please pick one class from each category below:
Category A: Please select one
1. How to Prepare and Record with Confidence with Eric Chin (All instruments, 10 and over)
In this hands-on class, students will learn all about preparing and making an audition quality recording. They will identify common technical/musical issues and develop practice strategies. Additionally, they will learn the basics of acoustics, what recording equipment to use, and what to prioritize in a recording session.
2. Community Engagement with Daniel Wood (All instruments, 10 and over)
Hear personal stories from non-profit organization leaders. Participants will brainstorm and create an action plan for community service projects that would positively impact an individual or community through music.
3. Cello Olympics with Vicky Wang (Cello, all ages)
This series of instrument-specific classes are designed for students to enhance techniques through playing games. It will culminate in a fun, friendly competition on the last day of the class.
4. World Fiddle Styles with Caleb Yang (Strings, all ages)
This series will explore fiddle playing styles from around the world including Old-Time, Celtic, and Bluegrass. Students will learn traditional fiddle music for dances, incorporating ear training, groove, harmony, improvisation, and arranging.
5. Piano-talk Series (All Instruments, all ages)
Part 1. Art of Tango with Pablo Estigarribia
Part 2. Rachmaninov’s 150th with Sandra Wright Shen
Part 3. Art of Piano Voicing - How to tell a vivid story with Rose Chen
Category B: Please select one
1. Open Faculty-Rehearsals (All instruments, all ages)
Participants will be able to watch a faculty group rehearse in preparation for the faculty concert. This is a rare opportunity to see how professional musicians communicate and work together.
2. Sight Reading with Ching Wen Hsiao (Piano, 9 and above with fluency in note recognition)
Come to this class to learn the tips and methods to sight read more accurately and quickly.
3. Practice Strategies with Konstantinos Valianatos (All instruments, all ages)
This discussion group will focus on ways to practice effectively and creatively.
4. String Ensemble Sight Reading with Amy Hsieh and Caleb Yang (Strings, all ages)
Sight reading is an essential skill, and the more you do it, the easier it will be. Students will have fun sight reading some popular songs from movies and broadway shows in a large ensemble setting.
5. Woodwind Workshop: Time & Tone with Ginger Kroft (Woodwind, all ages)
Join us to learn fundamental wind player skills! Develop and improve tone quality by learning exercises for greater air capacity and efficiency. We’ll also introduce several metronome games to improve technique in fast passages. Learn hard, technical sections better and sooner. Bring that really hard passage (the music) and your instrument!
Click below to register